From time to time, every woman is overtaken by such a nuisance as hair loss. We fight with the problem of different methods – in addition to the fact that we should first eliminate the cause, you can also make various rubbing, rinsing and masks against hair loss.
As hair care at normal, it involves knowledge of your type of hair and, accordingly, the use of specialized tools, and during the loss, it is precisely those masks that are recommended by a specific type of hair.
Mask for normal hair
A pear mask against hair loss will give you not only a noticeable volume of hair, but also a pleasant shine of hair. For its preparation, grind 100 g of soft pears with an egg, add a little burdock oil and a dozen drops of lemon juice. During the application of the composition of the composition of the composition, light massive movements should be made, then leave the mixture on the head for 20 minutes and then rinse off, alternating warm and cool water.
Bullet for oily hair
The egg mask will not only solve the main problem, but, having degreased a little hair, will make it very elastic and soft. Mash 150 g of black bread with a pre -cooked decoction of herbs for oily hair, add egg white (slightly whipped). While applying to the skin, the mask must be rubbed. Cover your head with a plastic cap, and after 20 minutes rinse your head, rinsing your hair with a dump of nettle.
Dry hair
Mix 2 teaspoons of camphor oil, a tablespoon of honey and tea – lemon juice. Rub the mixture for 15 minutes, and then rinse your head.