Every child knows how walnut smells delicious. Fruits, have not yet managed to gain their strength and ripen, as the guys are already sitting on young branches and rocking the tree in order to coward fragrant nuts. Once, having heard from his mother that it is useful, the child begins to look at the leaves of the trees in June.And how many of you know that the maximum attention of the walnut tree must be given precisely from June to July? At this time, leaves are gaining 100% of the juice and highly active elements, which means they are almost “nuclear weapons” for most infections. Phytotherapists, healers, and folk healers break young leaves of nuts for harvesting tinctures and ointments from various diseases.
It is important that the leaves are not damaged by parasites, otherwise, there will be no benefits from such tincture. In the autumn period, when the body is preparing for winter, experiences strong stressful situations, vitamin starvation. Naturally, chronic diseases of the stomach, duodenum, liver and kidneys are aggravated. Immunity becomes shaky, not resistant to viruses, as a result of the manifestation of a symptoms of any disease.Prepare for preventive measures from the summer. Prepare a tincture of green walnut leaves. To do this, you need 100 grams of leaves and 1 liter of vodka. Pour in glassware, refrigerate and not touch 3-4 weeks. After which, the leaves cannot be removed, this will make all the beneficial substances, to the last drop. Attention, you cannot use tincture earlier than 3 weeks, otherwise you can get a burn and damage to the respiratory system, since at this time the maximum emission of complex elements from the leaves. Take the drug no more than twice a day, as a prevention on a teaspoon of tincture 30 minutes before meals.
Do not combine this method of treatment with drugs or taking alcoholic beverages. Children, 5 drops are enough, drink a glass of water, once a day. Remember that the treatment course lasts twenty to twenty -five days in a row (children 10-15), and preventive – 2 times a week (children are not necessary). Men to maintain “female happiness” use ten 0- fifteen nuclei of walnuts every day. You can add a tablespoon of honey. This treatment method is excellent for the prevention of impotence, prostatitis and oncological diseases.In addition, women are an excellent method of skin care, but remember that this is a high -calorie product, and excessive use can lead to excess weight. So eat, but in moderation (10 pcs. per day) and be healthy!