Every woman dreams of beautiful hair. And if someone has thick beautiful hair is given by nature, then many other women have to take care of their hair a lot, nourish them in order to achieve the necessary effect of volume and shine.
One way to look fashionable and spectacular is a game with hair color, which today simply has no boundaries. Ombre on dark hair, so dazzling and boundless, gradient staining the brightest shades – all this is very relevant, and looks incredibly stylish.
But it should be noted that the trend of hair representation today as a fashion accessory leads to the fact that women use many natural tools for styling, coloring, hair care. And often this harms the hair and spoils their quality, makes their appearance painful. But this does not mean that you should not embody your ideas in the field of staining and styling. It’s just that you need to care for your hair, and if you are an amateur to experiment, then double care.
In addition, not everyone traces the direct connection between proper nutrition and the beauty of the hair. They simply do not pay attention to this, and over time, problems with hair make themselves felt.
Negatively, some environmental factors affect the hair. In general, you need to not only take care of the hair, but also protect them and very thoughtfully approach your diet. There are eight mains of vitamins for the growth and beauty of the hair, which should be in food daily: A, B2, B3, B6, B9, B10, E, F.
In the fall, you should not get into the rain without an umbrella or a hood, because the effect of rain water with a violated ecosystem once favorable for hair has come to naught and, moreover, modern rains are mostly harmful to the hair.
In winter, do not let your hair hypother. There is nothing sharply fashionable in an uncovered head on a frosty day, but it will be so great to choose a new hat that is relevant in the season, and you will save your hair at the same time.
Hair is harmful for hair when washing, which gives it terribly uncomfortable in combing and when laying the “washcloth effect”. To soften water, add a little vinegar to it (1 t. l. per 1 liter of water) or lemon juice.
Care products, including hair shampoos, select very carefully, do not neglect the balm after washing. In this case, use only cool water and decoctions of herbs for washing and rinsing hair. By the way, decoctions of herbs, the same chamomile, nettles, very beneficially affect oily hair. Chamomile also gives excellent sunny shine to blond hair. Do not forget about nourishing hair masks.
Comb the hair more often and try to wear it more details more – constant “tails” in one place injure the hair, making it brittle.
Of course, hair drying and frequent drying with a hairdryer, and if it is inevitable, be sure to use special hair air conditioners before drying and do not forget about the cool air regime, about the ionization mode proposed in many modern hairdries.
Hair beauty is achievable every woman. It is important to approach hair care comprehensively, and then they will become your pride and will steadfastly “help” to transform again and again after fashion trends.