Starting from ancient times, when people, even notes had no idea about drugs, were absolutely treated with sun and water. Only by hardening, the body was enriched with useful substances, gained strength and strengthened immunity. As they say, people tempered in spirit.Many years ago, scientists have proved that with the help of the sun and water you can lose weight perfectly. This should mostly interest women who exhaust themselves with various diets in order to achieve the desired effect. Sunlight improves blood circulation, all metabolic processes. It is also important that the skin eats is accumulating melanin. Когда все процессы в организме начинают активно работать, организм как единое целое активно выводит токсические элементы и способствует быстрому сгоранию жиров, выводу шлаков, понижению холестерина в крови.Staying, in the fresh air, you will improve memory processes, increase performance, fatigue, weakness, dizziness will pass. Sleep quality will noticeably improve, headaches will be visited less and less than you.Most of all, small children need the sun. Now a large distribution is acquired by such a disease of childhood as rickets.
Sick children suffer from a deficiency of vitamin D and E, which is undoubtedly contained in the sunlight.As for hardening with water – this is the key to longevity and good health. Walruses, the so -called people who are engaged in hardening water in order to prevent diseases and for a persistent increase in immunity.Many sanatoriums even have such physiological procedures as taking sunbathing. Duration of procedures from 10 to 30 minutes. under the scattered sun rays. Newborn is enough in the fresh air (balcony) for 10-15 minutes. Remember that the child needs to slowly be taken out into the street. The amount of time for staying in the sun should be increased every day by 5 minutes, otherwise the baby will suffer from headaches, hacks, sleep badly.Regarding water procedures, everyone needs to harden. The procedures should start with a daily reception of a contrast shower within a week, then increase the time of receiving water procedures, add wet wiping with a towel. Only after your own body gets used to more reduced temperatures, you can start cold baths.
If your body adequately reacts to such changes, then the time has come to the first serious hardening in the river, sea, estate. And there already over time, you will see how noticeably the state of health will improve.