Every day, our precious legs have to experience incredible loads, since the whole body weight is on them. The relaxed, flying gait, proper posture, well -being, harmony of your figure depends on the health status of your legs. Energetic massage, relaxing baths, masks and special cosmetics – all this is necessary for your legs, as often as possible.
Pay attention to your shoes, it should be not only beautiful, but also convenient to make your legs comfortable, the shoes should not rub, and even more so hurt. You should at least give your feet to your feet a vacation from the hairpins of high heels and cramped shoes, ballet shoes are suitable for this case. For every day it is best to choose shoes on a platform or on a small heel, so your legs will be less tired. Shoes are best chosen from genuine leather, this will help you forget about sweating and unpleasant odor, because the skin of the legs should always breathe. In the summer, try to take hiking more often, for example, in the evening after work, walk around the park, barefoot on sand or grass. Such natural massage will improve blood circulation in the legs.
Legs require daily care. After you came home, wash your legs with warm water and soap, it is best to choose soap with cream or baby soap, the water should not be hot, about 37-37.5 degrees. Or make a knife bath with the addition of sea salt or other drugs that can refresh and soften the skin on the legs (infusion of chamomile or sage). The duration of the foot bath should be at least 20 minutes, and then use the legs scrub and lubricate them with a nutrient cream (moisturizing in summer). After that, make a massage, open the entire foot and each finger separately. You can also use a special massage equipment for the company’s usMedic, relieving fatigue, tension that promotes blood outflow and tonic vessels for IKR and toes. Still take it a rule, in the evening, after work, sit for 10 minutes with your feet raised, this will relieve the voltage of the whole day.
Do not be lazy, devoting only half an hour a day to your legs, you will get beautiful, well -groomed legs, you will not have corns and rough heels. You will be pleased to wear open shoes, demonstrate the beauty and perfection of your legs.