Cellulite is a problem that mainly affects women. Usually appears in adolescence, in connection with the use of contraceptive tablets, pregnancy, growth of female hormones.
The high level of estrogen due to progesterone forms a vasodilating effect, which leads to an increase in their permeability and local edema, which directly contributes to the creation of cellulite tissue. The consequence of this is the improper distribution of fat in the deep parts of the skin, mainly on the buttocks, hips or abdomen. In fabric affected by cellulite is worse than lymph and blood circulation. Fat does not burn, and your body retains water and toxins that form folds and unsightly depressions. To reduce the symptoms of “orange peel”, you must think about changing the lifestyle and the corresponding diet.
The development of cellulite is largely facilitated by an unhealthy lifestyle, lack of physical exercises, stimulants, as well as obesity and diet, rich in carbohydrates, fats and salt. Therefore, in order to avoid this unaesthetic problem, we must choose products such as fish, lean meat, brown rice. We must limit all animal fats and carbohydrates, preservatives and artificial dyes that accumulate in our body and provide many unnecessary calories.
The same applies to all types of drugs – tobacco alcohol, etc. D. They weaken the blood vessels and increase the likelihood of swelling. In addition, they cause water retention in the body. To improve the condition of the skin, it is useful to drink green tea, which has many valuable properties – accelerates digestion, cleanses the body and helps get rid of harmful toxins. You can also try other herbal teas with similar properties, for example, on the basis of horsetails, nettles, linden or dill. In addition to herbal infusions, every day you must drink at least a liter of non -carbonated mineral water.
In the fight against cellulite, not only diet is important. We must remember physical activity. The best activity is aerobic exercises, fitness, jogging, cycling and swimming. Corresponding nutrition in combination with sports will not only help us get rid of annoying problems, but also improve your self -esteem.