Hemorrhoids are an unpleasant disease that occurs in people of little -leaning, improperly eating, having vascular diseases. Also, pregnant women can be subjected to this unpleasant ailment due to the fact that the growing fruit presses the pelvic organs, thereby making it difficult to pass the feces, which leads to constipation. In addition, pregnant women move little.
Hemorrhoid treatment can undergo a medical method, in severe cases – operational, as well as with the help of folk remedies that facilitate the condition. In case of hemorrhoids in pregnant women, the drug method deviates due to many side effects.
Alternative methods of treatment
You can learn in detail about the external hemorrhoid treatment, but remember that you need to start with the diet in any case. The most important thing is to eat right to exclude the occurrence of constipation. Use as many dairy products as possible – they improve digestion.
Be sure to eat soups, borscht, cabbage soup and other liquid dishes. Boiled vegetables should also be present in your diet – potatoes, beets, carrots and others. Freshly squeezed juices of vegetables and fruits, for example, apple, carrots and several grapes will facilitate the condition.
Reduce or exclude white -boiled cabbage, rye bread, mustard, unripe fruits, t from your menu. To. They are not able to completely digest in the intestines, at the exit of it, they can cause bleeding hemorrhoids, scratching it with sharp edges. If, nevertheless, he switched off, squeeze the cabbage and drink a little warm brine.
The use of rectal suppositories with sea buckthorn from sugary honey or raw potatoes helps very well. If their use causes pain, attach to the anus as close as possible to the hemorrhoid sheet of aloe, turned inside out – its juice reduces pain and helps to draw the cones. The compress is also well anesthetized from fresh beetroot or carrot juice, chamomile infusion. If necessary, enema make it from a decoction of strawberry leaves or a decoction of blueberries. Lubricate hemorrhoidal cracks with cream “Mummy”.
Remember that pregnant women are strictly contraindicated by contrasting seats, rectal suppositories, which include an extract of handsome or belladonna, as well as invasive methods and hemorrhoidctomy.