Many women still scare the upcoming birth during pregnancy. This is especially true for the original people who do not have the experience of childbirth, and, having heard the stories of the giving ways, begin to build “terrible pictures of the Day of Day” in their imagination. In addition to this category of women, there is a second one – it includes those who have experienced difficulties during the first pregnancy and now have a fear of a possible repeat of failure. But in fact, to give birth, practically without experiencing pain, perhaps that is why drop all your fears.
Needless to say, in many ways pain is not only and not so much physiological pain from the process of delivery, but the pressure on the psyche and the emotions of a giving birth to a woman. After all, all those experiences and feelings that she experiences somewhere deep in the soul, affect the sensations, and often enhance the pain. After all, fear is, in fact, such a work of the nervous system that leads to spasms of blood vessels.
Therefore, if you mentally prepare, enlist the support of a loved one and drive away all bad thoughts, then the process of childbirth will seem not so painful and painful. Many go to partnerships for this – for a large number of women, it is extremely important that there is a person who is ready to share the difficulties of childbirth nearby.
To facilitate pain, you can change the pose, because many women give birth to both lying and sitting, and even standing. In addition, the pain will reduce deep, even breathing and the ability to relax when contractions. All this can be taught during pregnancy – during women’s consultations and clinics, there are schools of future mothers.
To facilitate the birth process, almost every woman makes an enema. This is necessary not only from the hygienic side, but also facilitates the process of the birth of the child and the subsequent state of the mommy during defecation. Find out in advance from the doctor how they make an enema before childbirth and get ready for this procedure.
And finally, in order to cope with severe pain, doctors can administer anesthesia that differs at the place of action – it can be local anesthesia, epidural anesthesia and even drug sleep, which is used in cases where the contractions are strong, and the opening of the neck has not yet happened. The last type of anesthesia helps the woman in labor to restore strength before childbirth with protracted contractions.