In today’s article I want to share with you the methodology of Mediterranean food and tell you what such a diet is losing weight in a week. For traditional dishes of Mediterranean cuisine, the main products are mined throughout the Mediterranean Sea, local residents enjoy all the factors and lifestyle characteristic of this region. Tourists easily adapt to modern cuisine and rich life, they include:
Grain, vegetables and fruits.
Grain, vegetables and fruits should be the main component of the dish, because they are a certainly important source of vitamins, minerals, energy, antioxidants and fiber. The diet with a high content of these products contributes to good control of health and weight, and also helps to improve mental activity.
Most grains should be made of whole grain, such as wheat, oats, rice, rye, barley, and corn. These grains are best used in whole, minimally processed forms, because processing and processing can remove many nutrient valuables, including vitamins, minerals and fibers.
Mediterranean Sea, provides valuable nutrients and satiety. These advantages are intensifying because vegetables are usually cooked or watered with olive oil. Raw vegetables are also a healthy option and certainly this is an excellent nutrition for weight loss.
The main dishes for the traditional Mediterranean diet are included in their diet: artichokes, arugula, beets, broccoli, Brussels cabbage, carrots, celery, chicory, cucumbers, dandelion greens, dill, onions, onions, lemons, salad, mushrooms, greens of mustard. nettles, bamia, onions (red, sweet, white), peas, pepper, potatoes, pumpkin, purslane, radishes, pants, green onions, onion spinach, sweet potatoes, turnips, zucchini.
Fresh fruits are always present in the Mediterranean menu. Sugar is not added, but fruit juices are added not only some of the same advantages of nutrition as entire fruits, and attention to part of control and the total number of calories is wise.
But the Mediterranean diet of fruit menu includes: apples, apricots, avocados, cherries, cllencentine, dates, figs, grapefruits, grapes, melons, nectar, olives, oranges, peaches, pears, grenades, strawberries, tangerines, tomatoes.