A raspberry or strawberry mask will not only extend the youth of your skin, but also make the skin on the feet of an elastic. To prepare the mask, you need to grind half a glass of berries in a blender to a puree state and apply to your feet using a sponge, leave for half an hour.
For sensitive and prone to skin irritation, you can prepare a mask of honey and serum. In 100 g of serum add 1 t. spoon of honey, mix and apply a cotton swab to your feet. After 30 minutes, wash the mask with cool water.
Mask based on honey, apple juice and vegetable oil leaves the skin in good shape. To prepare this mask, you need to mix 6 t. tablespoons of olive oil, 4 st. tablespoons of apple juice and 2 t. tablespoons of liquid honey. Apply the resulting mixture to your feet with a cotton swab and wash off in 20 minutes. Wash off the mask without soap.
It is useful to make a mask based on bananas and kefir for nutrition of the skin once a week. It is better to use it after peeling. Clean the two supported bananas from the peel, knead and mix with 100 ml of kefir, apply the resulting mixture to the feet. Wash with warm water after 25 minutes.
A mask prepared from orange juice and eggs gives a good effect. To prepare it, it is necessary to beat 3 eggs with 4 glasses of fresh orange juice. Using a brush, apply a mask to the feet from the feet and to the knees. After the first layer dries, it is necessary to apply the mask a second time. Rinse with cold water without soap.
The yeast mask has a stimulating effect. To do this, it is necessary to dilute in 100 g of warm sour milk 50 g of yeast. Grease your legs and leave for 30 minutes.
In the summer, it is recommended to make tonic masks based on cucumbers, lemon and tomato juices, as well as sour cream.