Each person carries a load of some negative memories of situations in which he was unhappy with himself or someone offended him. Much over time leaves memory and does not cause much mental discomfort, but there are also fresh resentments that poison the body and life.
When a person cleans his body from memories, his body really gets young for several years, the complexion becomes fresh, wrinkles are smoothed. With the departure of the blocks, channels open, through which energy comes, including to the face. Therefore, especially for women, this is a good way to rejuvenate without resorting to expensive procedures and drugs.
Now there are a large number of psychotherapeutic techniques that are aimed at working with experiences. Each of them functions on its own, this is good, but each reception was invented 30-50 years ago, and continues to be applied unchanged. But the most effective methods work at the junction of two technologies. A. Sviyash proposes to use precisely a combined technique.
Washing technique of resentment of the past.
The essence of the technique is that it is necessary to recall a person or a traumatic situation and address the verbal (mental) instructions for his subconscious for a long time so that it is erased by the block:
I forgive and accept this person (situation) as he is with gratitude and love;
I ask this person to forgive me for my thoughts and emotions associated with him;
This person forgives me with gratitude and love.
And speaking these phrases for a long time and emotionally, then the blocks are removed.
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Sometimes during the exercises there are painful, uncomfortable sensations in the body (headache, coughing, spasms in the chest). This is due to the fact that the block begins to contract, and since it is attached to the physical body, these sensations appear. This is normal and says that the reception works.
With prolonged work, the instructions pass through the filter – the mind that controls the behavior of a person. He is very critical of all thoughts. A person thinks about everything at once and even what he really does not want, so the subconscious filters what is unnecessary in his head. There are beliefs formed for a long time in the subconscious, backed up by energy charges, which are the criteria for selecting filtering. Therefore, the teams work on forgiveness, but very slowly, you need to beat for a long time and stubbornly on the subconscious so that it is reprogrammed. If, for example, quarrels with a person have occurred for 10-15 years, then it is necessary to meditate for 10-15 hours so that there is no more offense. The technique of forgiveness helps not only restore relations, but also heals the body of a farewell.
Due to the fact that work on themselves in the technique of forgiveness is long, people often break and stop it, so a solid installation or strong resentment is necessary.
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The efficiency of work increases due to such a technique as breathing, it consists of deep breaths and exhalations with an mouth for at least 3-5 minutes. During the breath, the brain is filled with oxygen, there is a strong energy rise, and the internal critic turns off, therefore, it becomes less resistant to verbal mantra.
You need to perform breathing standing, or sitting. Having breathed, opening the channel of the subconscious, you can start mental teams.
The connection of the technique of forgiveness and breathing gives a powerful effect, thanks to them you can erase the memories of a long-term conflict in just 15-20 minutes.