Any girl dreams of kissing properly, because this passionate, but at the same time a very reverent kiss is able to wake a real volcano in a man. Currently, there are a lot of how to kiss the superior video online, which only confirms the desire of young men and girls to give each other incomparable pleasure.
Usually the guy begins the first kiss in the first kiss, a more indecisive girl always expects the first step from him, but during the kiss, both partners can be active.
The technique of kissing a suction, as such, does not exist, but a great desire and frequent “training”, especially with your loved one, will allow you to achieve the peaks of perfection in this art.
During a kiss suck, close your eyes and imagine that your beloved’s mouth is your mouth, but now run your partner’s teeth with the tongue, gently tap the palate, but you should always remember that you should not make any manipulations that you would not like to you. Interrupt the kiss if you suddenly feel that your beloved is uncomfortable.
The most important thing in the kiss is a skewed and easy tearing: tape the tongue of the language of your loved one, connecting with him into one, play the tip of the tongue, awakening in the partner the heat of passion. Work tongues at the same time, and you will feel dizzying sensations.
Although the kissing technique is a sucking and simple, but still it depends on the individuality of both partners, because each of them experiences different feelings during a kiss. One will have one preferences, and the second will have others.