Burdock – every time I see him in the garden and do not cease to be surprised at its useful properties. What is it useful: it is suitable for food and helps to recover, and also to be beautiful. And all this I tell about the burdock.
About the healing power of “this green friend”, people have known for a very long time. Our great -grandmothers also used it so that the hair became healthier and more beautiful. They did this: they took burdock juice, rubbed it into hair roots with circular movements.
Why is it so useful?
Just he has a unique chemical composition. That’s why they use this medicinal plant in the treatment of diseases, and as a cosmetic product. Take, for example, burdock juice. Ointments are made on its basis, but a decoction of leaves is used in cosmetology ..
Its properties are very healing. Even if you just rinse your hair with a decoction of burdock (even completely weak), they will immediately become more elastic, the burdock will give them vitality.
If you do this procedure regularly, then hair loss and their fragility, split ends – will no longer be terrible, t. To. This plant strengthens the hair structure very well.
Of course, there are various causes of hair loss: these are frequent stress at work, food for semi -finished products, vitaminosis.., But, despite everything, this burdock remains an effective assistant in the “Home Salon of Beauty”
Let’s see how you can use hair burdock, using folk recipes at home.
Recipe 1. Blueberry decoction for shine and hair strengthening
We take 1 tablespoon of crushed roots of the burdock plant. Pour a glass of boiling water. Put on a slow fire and cook for 5-8 minutes. We are waiting for the decoction to cool, we filter. We use the finished product for rinsing. Want shiny hair? Rinse them regularly with this cooled decoction. And if you need to strengthen your hair, then rub this broth into the roots (clean and wet), without washing off and letting your hair dry yourself without using a hair dryer! The course of treatment is a month.
Recipe 2. Burdock juice for hair growth
Burdock, as we already said useful. And not only with hair loss. Burdock also contributes to their growth.
For hair growth, prepare the following recipe: 1 tablespoon of burdock roots with boiling water and cook as in the first recipe. We are waiting – while the decoction is infused while the decoction. It will take about 15-20 minutes. Then we dump the decoction over low heat to half the volume. The decoction of what remained, drain, and the mass of burdock (boiled) is carefully squeezed. Then mix with fresh onion juice. Ratio 2: 1.
We use this: the prepared broth is rubbed into the roots 2-3 times a week, with a course 1.5-2 months.