Today everyone knows what massage is, but not all people use the services of a masseur. Most likely, such a low massage need is due to the fact that people do not know or do not understand the benefit of massage.
However, according to statistics, more than 80% of sick people who resorted to massage claim that massage helped them. So what is the benefit of massage?
First of all, massage affects the internal organs of the human body, thereby increasing their ability to function due to external stimulation. We can say that massage is an additional stimulation of internal organs using special techniques.
The masseur in his work uses a massage chair on which the patient is seated.
The design of the chair is such that the patient is completely relaxed, and at this time the massage therapist can carry out body massage, and the effect goes not only to the human musculoskeletal system, but also to other organs. In the case of general massage, the masseur uses the massage table.
Many people believe that massage has only a mechanical effect on the body due to rubbing, tapping and other techniques. However, mechanical exposure turns into thermal, which affects the internal organs of a person.
The stronger the mechanical effect will be, the stronger the effect will be on the internal organs. However, it is worth remembering that the excessive effect will be destructive. It is for this reason that it is best to turn to professional masseurs than to trust yourself or family.
First of all, the massage action is transmitted to the central nervous system, which is activated and begins to launch internal processes in other organs.
In this case, the nerve endings are irritated in the skin, tendons, blood vessels. Nerve impulses from the nerve endings are transmitted to the brain, where there is a whole reaction that drives the whole organism.
Also, during massage, the metabolism in cells that are not only in the skin, but also directly under which.
Such a massage action is used, for example, when losing weight.