How to treat inflammatory processes, grandmothers advice.Inflammatory processes and tumors develop in our body without our knowledge, but this can be fought with the help of traditional medicine. Such medicine was transmitted from hand to hand, from mouth to mouth, and after many years, a piggy bank of knowledge accumulated, and there were recipes from all diseases. How to treat inflammatory processes in the body, and the more tumors, we will consider in this article.So, for preventive purposes after removing any tumor, it is recommended to use decoctions from the Tatar. This is how it can be prepared: for the infusion from the Tatar, you will need to take one tablespoon of the leaves of this plant and pour in some container of two hundred and fifty milliliters of water. After that, we defend the resulting mixture for four hours.
Then the resulting liquid should be filtered, and squeeze the rest of the leaves. We dilute the resulting decoction with boiled water so that the amount equal to the two -to -two milliliters. The healing infusion is ready, it must be taken half a glass before meals a day twice.Another good method of combating tumor formations is to drink tea from such medical grass as St. John’s wort. This grass is a treasure in relation to vitamins, especially A and with. But you can make tincture with St. John’s wort.
To prepare it will take only two to three handfuls of grass and one bottle of vodka. The resulting mixture is taken thirty grams before meals once a day.Helps well with cancerous diseases of juice from the foolish of ordinary, or now known as burdock. The fighter is also not inferior in the fight against tumors.
A vodka infusion or water broth is made from it. To make a water broth, you need to take the root of this plant, it should be dried and very finely chopped. Then we take ten grams of the root of one and a half liters of water, then we place this mixture in enameled dishes and boil until the liquid begins to light. After that, we carefully filter this broth, and take three tablespoons per day in order to prevent, thirty minutes before meals. The infusion is prepared by proportion: we take two and a half gram of finely chopped root per hundred grams of vodka. The resulting mixture is insisted for two weeks at a temperature of thirty eight degrees. Then we filter it to avoid sedimentation in the infusion. Take one drop three times a day, and each day add one more drop. With the ulceration of the wounds, they can be treated with either a decoction or infusion.