Thrush is officially called candidiasis, because its fungi of the genus Candidate. Many pregnant women detect thrush. The fact is that these fungi are in the human body all his life. The disease may never show itself. But if the immunity has decreased, this disease will definitely visit you. It is easy to recognize candidiasis. Its appearance is determined by severe itching of the genitals, white curdled discharge with a sour smell. Of course, these factors can talk about another disease. Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms appeared, you need to immediately visit the doctor and hand over the necessary tests. As a rule, the disease is easier to cure at the initial stage than a neglected. If a pregnant woman does not cure candidiasis before childbirth, then the child can be infected with the passage of the genital tract. During pregnancy can provoke various factors: • taking various drugs (antibiotics), • change in the hormonal background of the body, • vaginal injuries (with gross sexual intercourse), • various diseases (diabetes mellitus, dysfunction of the sex glands, tuberculosis), • wearing linen from synthetics, • great consumption of sweet. • Reducing immunity. To identify candidiasis, the doctor takes a regular smear from the vagina or PCR diagnostics is done. After some time, the result will be known. If the thrush was not detected by this method, then you can use the other. Then the material from the vagina is placed in an environment favorable for the life of fungi. When the diagnosis is made, the doctor will prescribe a drug that will have a detrimental effect on fungi, but will not harm your child. After all, it is known that many drugs cannot be taken during pregnancy. Mikonazole is used to treat thrush during pregnancy, less often Pimafucin. These are tabletized drugs that do not harm the body of the future baby. Some doctors can advise the so -called grandmother’s method. It will allow you to quickly remove the symptoms of thrush. But note, only symptoms. He is not able to cure her completely. You can only alleviate the condition, because it is unpleasant to feel constant itching, intensifying at night. You need to take 1 liter of warm water, add a teaspoon of iodine and a teaspoon of soda. In this water you need to sit for about 20 minutes. Such procedures are done once a day for four days. The main thing is not to self -medicate. This is fraught with consequences, both for you and for the future baby.
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